这周连续有两个CELTA学员的课都是关于phrasal verb和verb phrase的。于是,我收到了宇宙的信号,决定写一篇文章来帮助英语教学以及CELTA课程,因为这两个概念很容易混淆。
1.Verb Phrases动词短语
又称verb group,动词短语是由一个主动词和一个或多个助动词组成的一组词,它用于表达英语句子中的各种时态、语态、情态和语气,属于短语的一种。其它四种短语包括:
- noun phrase (a decent black shirt),
- adjective phrase(way too high)
- adverb phrase(really fast)
- prepositional phrase(on the carpet)
动词短语遵循顺序:modal -have- be -be -main verb
比如:Sheila could have been being watched. (例句来自“An A-Z of ELT” by Scott Thornbury)
在这个例句中, could have been being watched 就是verb phrase。
- She is playing the piano.(is playing是verb phrase)
- He has been studying for the test. (has been studying是verb phrase)
2.Phrasal Verbs短语动词
Examples of phrasal verbs:
- Turn off (separable): Please turn the lights off. OR Please turn off the lights.
- Look after (inseparable): They will look after their pets while they're away.undefined

除了 verb phrases, phrasal verb, 还有一些容易混淆的表达,比如collocation,verb collocation, idiom。根据查到的资料,我整理了一张图来表示它们之间的关系,结合自己的理解进行了标注。可能由于信息不全面,图中可能存在错误,欢迎交流。

3. collocation搭配
搭配是指单词或短语与另一个单词或短语频繁搭配使用,以一种对该语言的使用者听起来合理的方式。 搭配有很多种类型,比如
- Adverb + adjective collocation:Absolutely charming
- Verb + preposition (+ object) collocation:Depend on someone
- Adjective + noun collocation:Heavy rain
- Verb + noun collocation:Make a mistake
而像Verb + preposition (+ object) collocation,Verb + noun collocation就属于 verb collocation。
4. idiom 习语:一组单词,其含义不同于个别单词的含义. 如:as different as chalk and cheese.
CELTA教辅书写作者| CELTA PassB| 原新东方老师分享CELTA备考内容,帮助你实现顺利通过CELTA认证考试。作品:《How to Make the Most out of CELTA》电子小册。